Holistic Vegan Retreats Are On Trend
Mind, Body, Spirit
Holistic Travel + Retreats
Let’s face it, we have lost touch with ourselves. Our crazy busy lifestyles leave little time for self-care. Now more than ever we need a sanctuary, to reconnect, rest and rejuvenate - away from the stress and drudgery of family life and the nine to five. Little wonder that holistic vegan retreats are on trend, and more popular than ever.
Do you need a break?
I’m not talking about grabbing a couple of hours to zone out in front of the tv. I mean a proper break, to really let go of what’s weighing you down, de-stress and recharge.
Ask yourself these questions:
• Do I feel spiritually connected and emotionally well?
• Is my schedule making me feel overwhelmed?
• Do I feel good about my health?
• Have I lost touch with the deep me?
• Do I wish I had tools to create a self-care routine I could stick to?
We all know the pillars of good health and what we need to do to be well. Daily movement, a healthy wholesome diet and meditation. But while we know the principles, most of us are way too busy to put them into practice. Have you ever started the week determined to stick to a new morning routine, only to go back to old habits two days into it? That’s because it’s incredibly difficult to set up new healthy habits when your mind is following its usual pattern in its usual environment, and being distracted by all the usual triggers.
If you want to start afresh with a healthier routine, you need a reset period.
That means time away. No work, no family, no stress. And there’s no better place for this than a holistic retreat. Whether you want to get back into yoga (or give it a try), dip your toe into vegan nutrition, be inspired by healthy meals, reconnect with your deeper self, meditate in a serene space, there’s a retreat out there for you. While they all differ slightly in the activities and food on offer, all of them give you the tools to return to your life with the tools to transform your wellbeing.
What’s on offer at a holistic vegan retreat?
Activities - Connect with your body and kickstart your fitness routine
Yoga means connection. It’s a powerful practice that allows you to reconnect with your body and the now, while strengthening, toning and lengthening your muscles. Doing yoga several times a day for a few days will really kickstart your practice, because you’ll discover sequences you can take home with you. What’s more, you’ll get to feel the physical and emotional benefits of practicing yoga every day, so you’ll be even more motivated to include this practice into your life.
Just like yoga, meditation delivers benefits for your mind and your body. Science-backed evidence shows that meditating increases energy, reduces anxiety and stress, increases the brain’s ability to focus, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure, eases PMS symptoms, and keeps you younger. And it doesn’t matter how you meditate - whether you use mantras, nature sounds, breathing techniques or meditative movement. A holistic retreat is a great place to learn new meditation techniques.
Mindful Movement
Another thing I love about retreats is that they offer a great space to explore different types of mindful movement - because you really don’t need to drag yourself to the gym when there are so many more enjoyable ways of moving your body and getting a sweat on. Pilates, walking in nature, swimming and ecstatic dancing are just some of the other activities on offer on a holistic break.
Food - Cleanse your body, treat your taste-buds, get inspired
Explore Vegan Food
One of the things I most enjoy when I go on a retreat is the food. I really look forward to every meal, knowing that it’s been prepared with care and ingredients that actually my body good, and don’t harm animals or the planet. Not only do you get to have several days away from all the usual trigger foods, you also get a ton of inspiration for meals you can make at home. Win-win!
Give Fruitarian a Try
Some retreats offer a fruitarian menu, which is great if you’ve ever wanted to give this diet a try but found it too hard to do at home. A fruitarian diet consists of mostly fruits (around 75%), as well as plant foods that are fruits in the botanical sense, like peas (pea pods are botanically a fruit because they contain seeds and develop from a flower), and nuts and seeds. This is a great way to detox your body. Get ready to enjoy amazing smoothies!
How to find your perfect retreat?
Ok, so you want to book your holistic getaway… but where do you go to find these vegan retreats? And with so many on offer, how do you know which one will be right for you?
Well, I can’t speak highly enough of BookRetreats.com. They’re basically like AirBnb, but for wellness breaks. They make the whole process, from searching to booking, absolutely effortless.
So, why are holistic vegan retreats on trend? Because they give you everything you need for much-deserved relaxation, and the tools to reset your body from the inside out.
When will you book yours?
MF, xoxo